
#cf97ThirdKit Design Contest Submission Deadline Has Ended... What's Next?

Well, the deadline has passed and judging by the email address, Fire supporters were heavily engaged in coming up with the club’s new jersey design.

In total, the Fire received hundreds of entries from all around Chicagoland and as far reaching as Brazil, France and the UK. Those may not be eligible but they did give us a good gauge of how expansive a contest like this can be.

So… What’s next?

According to the official contest rules, a committee composed of Chicago Fire and Quaker staff will judge all eligible entries received during the Entry Period based on "overall appearance, originality/creativity, style and quality of the Design."

READ: #cf97ThirdKit presented by Quaker

On or about August 19 (next Mondayish), the top five designs will be unveiled and will work directly with the club’s creative team to develop their design into an acceptable digital format.

Beginning around August 26, the five semi-finalists will go up for fan vote, with fans allowed to cast their ballots 10 times each day through September 6. The three designs with the most votes will go to a final round of voting which will begin around September 9, with the winning design set to be unveiled around September 23.

Stay tuned!